Celebrating Quality Brands, Innovations and Business Excellence In the Market Place
Big Brands Awards (BIBA) is a product of Elix Promotions Ltd aimed at elevating brands in the market place.
BIBA Awards was established to recognize leading brands for their resilience, innovations and brand power hence making their products stand out as House hold name.
Annually Elix Promotions Ltd team will conduct market surveys to determine brand reputation, customer satisfaction, business excellence in terms of quality, value, professionalism, and integrity of business to inform end users.
BIBA Awards therefore will recognize brands and ensure delivery of quality services across board taking in mind opinions of the public and periodic market research.


Benefits of BIBA Awards
- BIBA Awards will position brands in the market place by offering promotion and Pr value emphasizing them as market leaders .
- BIBA Awards will reassure buyers of value for money as most brands will be promoted.
- BIBA Awards will enhance service trust and loyalty of brand users.
How It Works
Elix Promotions Ltd team will conduct market surveys targeting buyers of different products country wide.
The team besides interacting with end users, will analyse products presence in market place, innovations, promotion campaigns,value of production and business consistency.
Sponsorship Packages
20 Million
- Space at Exhibition event
- Space to brand on event materials
- Table at awards ceremony
- Recognition as event sponsor
- One advertisement on Elix News website
- Monthly articles on Elix News website
30 Million
- Special Exhibition tent
- Special table during Awards
- Branding at Awards venue
- Speeches at the two venues
- Special features on Elix News website
- One year brand promotion advertisement on Elix News website
- Appearance on our event website
50 Million
- All branding materials on our website
- Official table at the awards ceremony
- Premier exhibition space to brand and market your products
- 20 miniutes speech from sponsor
- Mention on event advertisements
- PR related articles to build and market your company
- Social media promotion
- Publicity exposure during the awards in 10 different media houses.
- One year brand promotion on Elix News website

Why Paticipate in BIBA Awards
Initiate BIBA Awards Recognition :Together, we shall be pioneers of Big Brands Awards 2024 a reputable business awards that will improve brands in the market
Get nurtured and inspired by industry leaders through business networks in the industry.
Awards: Be recognized and honored among Uganda’s leading brands in the market place.
Get market leads through promotions : Engage with established brands that have shaped Uganda’s market, share experiences, and innovative solutions to address pressing challenges.
Publicity and media exposure: Be captured in media to facilitate meaningful dialogue and collaboration among private individuals and corporate entities to promote strategic and business brands.
Market leadership: Inspire a sense of global business leadership, recognizing shared responsibilities and interconnectedness while contributing to building and nurturing global brands development.
Our Partners